Pacificヘissionaryヌeorgeツrown Lydi・ ・ツrown 1875Figure 4.・・ワワワワワワワワレ・childre・・・・・・ 轢辟・・・・・・w5・・ワワワワワワワワ … Chapter・・・パb>Biographicalモketch庵Allamahモayyidレee-Almi ミyチllah僘y駭crease鑛sヤaufeeqaat疣d鑰pe phe. Waチakhirudトawaan ・ilネamdul …
cモネ僑ネ敲・燈綜綜雰ZDq紗悠" Kア槁ミ<x; c┰ル・虚今擂附ウ・・ウ・ォbA8dィ「ェ孵+ qョヲウヲウュョ|rqイョヲ。促@ -qヒ伺 / Pイ帯ヌム送ijィ写謗エイナsk{タコサ・ 4oナロチチセセハヒ椎ヘユ・xラニト … People often draw parallels between computers and the human brain, and sometimes, it’s an apt comparison. For example, both the brain and a computer have short- and long-term memory. RAM is where a computer stores its short-term memory. Joi D霞 ムT栴了d「・・n 聖丱ワ蕗ス経pヲ腕k ム・iエ p「@dyppケルldr梭P戍桝・彿貫汚e喨ウ両 エx男・陰ウBs・a鳥ォiゥ ィk渾.ニ J・宿f・促・o「 餌Lin・ゑ 、焙隗ム・尭「チe 「”・snil! …
People often draw parallels between computers and the human brain, and sometimes, it’s an apt comparison. For example, both the brain and a computer have short- and long-term memory. RAM is where a computer stores its short-term memory. Joi D霞 ムT栴了d「・・n 聖丱ワ蕗ス経pヲ腕k ム・iエ p「@dyppケルldr梭P戍桝・彿貫汚e喨ウ両 エx男・陰ウBs・a鳥ォiゥ ィk渾.ニ J・宿f・促・o「 餌Lin・ゑ 、焙隗ム・尭「チe 「”・snil! … Michae・,ネ. (Hermann),・ 1867 This?ok s oduced駭ナPUB誂Аt窕個IⅥ昏チrchive.┳ ・be・・s re ・おand縊n・t・to・・autoスically. ・зcess派liIon・・ 栄rac曲肘ogni … Neiitz,ミ. 150,00 ラelson,チlfred゚ 140.・・rthur゚・5・ほoble,フひ42.5べNodwell,ホ.ネ.κ07 ・rd Ⅸ.ツ.・ど・O 竪rady,テ.ハ・1・・ TaЗ綢ption Palm・角 … 除)CNu?ソキ>:AK)ォ・Riq&Cg;eHィ巴触DKHェz「カr㍉㎜T恊ァ。ZbQKsl^`L=YT角{・)RC柞、カECCF Qエエl\lzaX嚊gKィ慾逐}DC殪、ュ丐Uq\E怎チアえK_pLs奏ォ=CUBコ … Turkish-Kutsal_Kitap_Yorum_2_26[ モタ[ モタBOOKMOBIッX %・ -モ 5イ =ェ Dx Ks Rj Y_ `B f・ nキ vH }h ・ 串 ・ 圄"「 $ゥ)&ー:(キV*セ^,ナネ.ヘ 0
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